What is the connection between the VA in Arizona, and the
Fairfax County Court and the Highland County Court, in Virginia?
On May 10, 2012, the Phoenix VA in Arizona notifies me that my application for the VA poverty pension is virtually buried in ambiguity and confusion.
Why did the Phoenix VA wait until May 10, 2012, to mention for the first time, a document they apparently received on or shortly after February 7, 2012?
Why is this February 7 document made to appear as if I created it or that it represents my intent?
Why can't I see it, why can't I get a copy of it?
On May 11, 2012, the Fairfax County Court in Virginia, through their lawyer, notifies me that I own $27,669.42 for a lien.
Both May 10 and May 11 are surprises. Both disempower me financially. Both are against the law in numerous ways. Both are made to appear as my fault. Both are invisible to the establishment. History suggests the document trails will never, never, never, be exposed for either.